From the Studio

Announcing the Launch of my New Blog Space

Welcome to where my industry insight contributions and your engagement will grow our collaboration!

I have been a long time consumer of blogs written by industry experts who provide valuable advice. They have served me well in practical ways — from staying on top of certain technologies to tweaking a few skills needed to do my job well.  

Thanks to these valuable insights, I have built up the camera equipment combination best suited to help my clients and their businesses. I have also tweaked a few skills based on the latest software updates and the experts who have taken the time to  break them down for me in succinct bullet points.

I’m pleased to start paying it forward.

I produce videos, animation, graphics and illustration to elevate those who do impactful work. I am also a visual communications specialist with a unique background and a lot to contribute for you and your businesses about the power of visuals.

I will be using this space to offer tips and insight on topics ranging from media and branding, tech reviews from my studio, and to useful takeaways working with clients, vendors and other peers in the business.  

Over the next year, you should expect to see a post from a “guest” writer who understands from his own experience how important it is for visual communications experts to bridge communication gaps with clients.

You can also look forward to a series of media and branding posts dedicated to the misuse of images and videos which purport misinformation. Many of these will include tips and tools which don’t require a huge learning curve but can help mitigate risks to our businesses and prevent harm to others. Overall, I hope it will help us all do our part to slow the flow of misinformation down.

I intend to evolve the content over time and with the help of useful comments, questions, recommendations and even contributions from you. Because I know I’m not the only one who has a lot to contribute about the power of visuals.

Welcome to this space. I look forward to engaging with you!

Urvi Mehta is video producer, graphic designer and illustrator based in the Washington, DC metro area.  For more information, see or connect with her directly through LinkedIn.