
While I don’t have a linear process that fits every project, there are important common elements to this kind of collaborative work. These are the principles, both intuitive and pragmatic, that guide me. This is where creativity meets your branding and communications needs.

Identifying a Connection

I like to understand the totality of a situation or a challenge as well as a client’s business generally, including their big-picture goals. This becomes the framework within which inspiration can flourish. I discover and connect to something meaningful and distinctive that then suffuses everything I do.

Thinking Critically

No one wants “pretty” for its own sake. As we work together, I’ll be asking questions, sometimes aloud and sometimes of myself. The idea is to be intentional every step of the way. Does the design go beyond the aesthetic, reconnecting back to the project challenge and the overarching goals?

Diving Deeper

This means looking under the hood of an organization. Finer details then reveal themselves, and often these can form the basis for the unique identifiers—an idea, an image—of a brand or message. In turn these identifiers become creative anchors for the work that follows.

Staying Adaptive

New understandings and possibilities emerge throughout a project. These might call for different media and approaches to reach and move audiences. Such adaptivity works hand in hand with the other elements here: with deep understanding and a commitment to meaningful impact, we have our North Star… and anything becomes possible.

Case Study 1: Oommen Consulting

The challenge: branding identity

Oommen Consulting, which specializes in nonprofit fundraising, needed a fresh branding scheme, complete with a tagline and business materials. I learned its values and mission so that we could immediately capture the essence of what the business stood for, including equality, justice, and a reputation for impeccably thorough work. Out of the brainstorming process, a single image stood out: a Möbius strip, a symbol of uninterrupted wholeness.

Logo Design

Branding Strategy

Case Study 2: The World Bank

The challenge: conveying crucial information in engaging ways

When working with the World Bank’s investor relations team, we needed to show investors the social and environmental impacts of investments, which was necessary for their internal reporting. But project data and other key details were packaged in vast, difficult-to-understand reports. The solution? Tailor multiple aspects and levels of information to different investor types with a range of clear, visually-compelling media to answer three central questions:
What are the country’s development challenges?
How was the World Bank project designed to address these challenges?
What were the results and ultimate impact of this project?